At ACANA® pet food, we are so excited to launch ACANA Rescue Care for Adopted Dogs. The first of its kind in the U.S., ACANA Rescue Care for Adopted Dogs offers thoughtfully crafted recipes for rescue dogs in transition to their forever home. From our research, we know that 85% of new pet parents experience challenges with their new pet, so we want to provide resources for rescue parents to give them the best chance at achieving their forever fit.
Along the way, we got to know some inspiring experts that we brought together to share their experiences with our followers. You can also hear the adoption stories for Jess’s adorable dogs, Sienna Grace and Shiloh! Check out our livestream event in the video below including these experts to get great advice and more.
Jess Sims, Peloton Instructor and Rescue Mom
Marissa Sunny, Dog Trainer with Best Friends Animal Society
Dr. Darcia Kostiuk, ACANA pet food’s in-house Veterinarian
Here are some key themes you’ll learn from these experts:
- When it comes to your new dog, one size does not fit all. It’s a commitment to understand the personality and preferences of your individual dog. In doing so, you can find routines that work for both of you while building a lifetime bond.
- The most important component of training is reinforcing good behavior. Dogs don’t really understand right and wrong, they just want to feel safe. The bond you build in training is essential to their understanding of your expectations.
- Choosing a pet food: look for animal ingredients to be listed among the first few ingredients when looking at the food label. Understand that your dog needs a nutritional foundation for overall wellness. They are what they eat, too!
Follow us on Instagram @acanapetfood and tag us in pictures of your rescue! Looking to adopt? There are many pets waiting for their forever homes. To start, check out our favorite Rescue organization,